薄板用高精度、高速度、特殊结构材料整平机 HIGH SPEED AND PRECISION LEVELER ( DL SERIES ) DL系列 DL LEVELERS SERIES : 本机是强而有力的新设备,用于高速冲压工作,可提升冲压产品的质与量 This powerful new equipment designed for high speed press working , and it will increase the quality and quantity of press works. 特殊结构 Special Structure : 1、两段式矫平,卷料矫平过程中(头端一尾端)中途不须再作矫平之调整,可确保一致相同之平坦度 Two sections type straightening device,it is no need to adjust straighten function when rolled materal is under straightening process (from start to end).To ensure the material at same flatness completely. 2、卷料未经过矫平消除应力是无法生产出良好之冲件,唯有将卷料矫平,消除应力才能达成 Fine electric parts can not be finished with high accuracy only good smoothing of coil material may be accomplished.So thin materials need to be straightened,and stress moderately removed. 3、经过本机较平后,可将材料修正成向上向下弯曲或平坦 After straightening,materials can be curved upward or downward of flat easily. 4、滚轮两侧轴端之培林卷用免油式无须润滑之设计,耐磨且不会有油渍或腻污附着之困扰 As bearing of work rollers are of oil lubricating free type,there is no trouble of the adherence of oil or dirt. 5、传动装置由变频器(循环控制)可与冲床速度同步,平稳的送料 The driving unit is controlled by inverters(cycle control to feed smoothly at a speed synchronized with the press). 机械主要规格 MACHINE MAIN SPECIFICATIONS 规 格 机 型 DL-100 DL-200 DL-300 较大料宽 MA*100 MA*200 MA*300 材料厚度 0.1-0.6 0.1-0.6 0.1-0.6 滚轮排列 Ф203/3+9/10上up/下down Ф203/3+9/10上up/下down Ф203/3+9/10上up/下down 调整方式 四点独立式 四点独立式 四点独立式 整平速度 0-16M/min 0-16M/min 0-16M/min 马达 1/2HP 1HP 2HP 送料方向 左→右 左→右 左→右 使用电压 AC:220V AC:415V AC:380V AC:440V AC:220V AC:415V AC:380V AC:440V AC:220V AC:415V AC:380V AC:440V 材积 长 * 宽 * 高 70*76*120cm 80*76*120cm 90*76*120cm 重量 150KG 200KG 250KG